MediaWiki API help

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:


(main | wbsearchentities)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • Source: Wikibase Repository
  • License: GPL-2.0+

Searches for entities using labels and aliases. Returns a label and description for the entity in the user language if possible. Returns details of the matched term. The matched term text is also present in the aliases key if different from the display label.


Search for this text.

This parameter is required.

Search in this language.

This parameter is required.
One of the following values: aa, ab, ace, ady, ady-cyrl, aeb, aeb-arab, aeb-latn, af, ak, aln, als, am, an, ang, anp, ar, arc, arn, arq, ary, arz, as, ase, ast, av, avk, awa, ay, az, azb, ba, bar, bat-smg, bbc, bbc-latn, bcc, bcl, be, be-tarask, be-x-old, bg, bgn, bh, bho, bi, bjn, bm, bn, bo, bpy, bqi, br, brh, bs, bto, bug, bxr, ca, cbk-zam, cdo, ce, ceb, ch, cho, chr, chy, ckb, co, cps, cr, crh, crh-cyrl, crh-latn, cs, csb, cu, cv, cy, da, de, de-at, de-ch, de-formal, diq, dsb, dtp, dty, dv, dz, ee, egl, el, eml, en, en-ca, en-gb, eo, es, et, eu, ext, fa, ff, fi, fit, fiu-vro, fj, fo, fr, frc, frp, frr, fur, fy, ga, gag, gan, gan-hans, gan-hant, gd, gl, glk, gn, gom, gom-deva, gom-latn, got, grc, gsw, gu, gv, ha, hak, haw, he, hi, hif, hif-latn, hil, ho, hr, hrx, hsb, ht, hu, hy, hz, ia, id, ie, ig, ii, ik, ike-cans, ike-latn, ilo, inh, io, is, it, iu, ja, jam, jbo, jut, jv, ka, kaa, kab, kbd, kbd-cyrl, kg, khw, ki, kiu, kj, kk, kk-arab, kk-cn, kk-cyrl, kk-kz, kk-latn, kk-tr, kl, km, kn, ko, ko-kp, koi, kr, krc, kri, krj, ks, ks-arab, ks-deva, ksh, ku, ku-arab, ku-latn, kv, kw, ky, la, lad, lb, lbe, lez, lfn, lg, li, lij, liv, lki, lmo, ln, lo, loz, lrc, lt, ltg, lus, luz, lv, lzh, lzz, mai, map-bms, mdf, mg, mh, mhr, mi, min, mk, ml, mn, mo, mr, mrj, ms, mt, mus, mwl, my, myv, mzn, na, nah, nan, nap, nb, nds, nds-nl, ne, new, ng, niu, nl, nl-informal, nn, no, nov, nrm, nso, nv, ny, oc, olo, om, or, os, pa, pag, pam, pap, pcd, pdc, pdt, pfl, pi, pih, pl, pms, pnb, pnt, prg, ps, pt, pt-br, qu, qug, rgn, rif, rm, rmy, rn, ro, roa-rup, roa-tara, ru, rue, rup, ruq, ruq-cyrl, ruq-latn, rw, sa, sah, sat, sc, scn, sco, sd, sdc, sdh, se, sei, ses, sg, sgs, sh, shi, shi-latn, shi-tfng, si, simple, sk, sl, sli, sm, sma, sn, so, sq, sr, sr-ec, sr-el, srn, ss, st, stq, su, sv, sw, szl, ta, tcy, te, tet, tg, tg-cyrl, tg-latn, th, ti, tk, tl, tly, tn, to, tokipona, tpi, tr, tru, ts, tt, tt-cyrl, tt-latn, tum, tw, ty, tyv, tzm, udm, ug, ug-arab, ug-latn, uk, ur, uz, uz-cyrl, uz-latn, ve, vec, vep, vi, vls, vmf, vo, vot, vro, wa, war, wo, wuu, xal, xh, xmf, yi, yo, yue, za, zea, zh, zh-classical, zh-cn, zh-hans, zh-hant, zh-hk, zh-min-nan, zh-mo, zh-my, zh-sg, zh-tw, zh-yue, zu

Whether to disable language fallback

Type: boolean (details)

Search for this type of entity.

One of the following values: item, property
Default: item

Maximal number of results

No more than 50 (500 for bots) allowed.
Type: integer or max
Default: 7

Offset where to continue a search

Type: integer
Default: 0
Search for "abc" in English language, with defaults for type and limit
api.php?action=wbsearchentities&search=abc&language=en [open in sandbox]
Search for "abc" in English language with a limit of 50
api.php?action=wbsearchentities&search=abc&language=en&limit=50 [open in sandbox]
Search for "alphabet" in English language for type property
api.php?action=wbsearchentities&search=alphabet&language=en&type=property [open in sandbox]