Difference between revisions of "Bicycle Self Repair"

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(‎Added [hr] description: obično organizirani na volonterskoj bazi, omogućavaju i osposobljavaju ljude da sami poprave bicikle. Obično ovakvi servisi svoje vrijednosi temelje na jednakosti za sve i politički su aktivni za prava biciklist...)
(‎Added [pl] label: Punkt samodzielnej naprawy rowerów)
label / pllabel / pl
Punkt samodzielnej naprawy rowerów

Revision as of 07:05, 8 July 2016

A bicycle repair shop, usually organized on volunteer bases, enabling and empowering people to self-repair their bikes. Often the repair shops are based on values of equality and are politically active for bicycling.
    No aliases defined
Language Label Description Also known as
Bicycle Self Repair
A bicycle repair shop, usually organized on volunteer bases, enabling and empowering people to self-repair their bikes. Often the repair shops are based on values of equality and are politically active for bicycling.


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