All pages (Item namespace)
- Fair trade (Q10)
- Free space / shared space (Q100)
- Sustainable mobility initiative (Q101)
- Bicycle self repair (Q102)
- Bicycle awareness NGO (Q103)
- Local collective energy ownership (Q104)
- Local collective ressource ownership (Q105)
- Community forestry (Q106)
- Other (infrastructure and ressources) (Q107)
- Social inclusion through employment (Q108)
- Social inclusion empowerment (Q109)
- Reduce, reuse, repair, recycle (Q11)
- Social shops (Social supermarket) (Q110)
- Foodbank (Q111)
- Homeless shelter (Q112)
- Other (social inclusion) (Q113)
- Coworking (Q114)
- Enterprise centers & incubators (Q115)
- Entrepreneurship education (Q116)
- Social business incubator (Q117)
- Sustainable & solidarity education (Q118)
- Sustainable & solidarity research (Q119)
- Housing & habitat (Q12)
- Other (education) (Q120)
- Community currency (Q121)
- Microfinance (Q122)
- Mutual insurance (Q123)
- Promoting ethical financing (Q124)
- Solidarity lending (Q125)
- Time banking (Q126)
- Other (finance) (Q127)
- Direct democracy initiative (Q128)
- Consumerism Awareness Raising (Q129)
- Infrastructure & resources (Q13)
- Other (active citizenship) (Q130)
- Participatory public fund (Q131)
- Citizen council (Q132)
- Youth council (Q133)
- Other (participation) (Q134)
- CSO / NGO (Q135)
- Community group (Q136)
- Networking initiative (Q137)
- Other (communities) (Q138)
- Mutual societies art (Q139)
- Social inclusion (Q14)
- Mutual societies aid (Q140)
- Other (mutual societies) (Q142)
- SSEDAS partners (Q143)
- Other (Q144)
- Food & drink (Q145)
- Provides (Q146)
- (Q148)
- Education & training (Q15)
- Mode of interaction (Q150)
- by way of bartering (Q151)
- by way of sharing (Q152)
- by way of lending (Q153)
- by way of renting (Q154)
- by way of gifting (Q155)
- rebuy & resell (Q156)
- co-use (Q157)
- Do It Yourself & Together (Q158)
- buy & sell (Q159)
- Finance (Q16)
- Type of need (Q160)
- Water (Q161)
- Land (Q162)
- mobility (Q163)
- health (Q164)
- culture (Q165)
- Safety (Q166)
- Housing (Q167)
- Free space (Q168)
- Objects of utility (Q169)
- Active citizenship (Q17)
- Clothes (Q170)
- Knowledge & skills (Q171)
- Energy (Q172)
- Community (Q173)
- Participation (Q174)
- Spirituality (Q175)
- Self-description of a community (Q176)
- Solidarity Economy (Q177)
- movement (Q178)
- Transition Initiative (Q179)
- Self-Organization & mutuality (Q18)
- Permaculture (Q180)
- Demonetized Economy (Q181)
- Community Based Currencies (Q182)
- Commons (Q183)
- Economy for the Common Good (Q184)
- Collaborative Economy (Q185)
- Global Ecovillage Network (Q186)
- Degrowth (Q187)
- Tag (Q188)
- Tag name (Q189)
- SUSY-map partner network (Q19)
- Garden type (Q190)
- Garden type (Q191)
- (Q192)
- (Q193)
- (Q194)
- (Q195)
- (Q196)
- (Q197)
- (Q198)
- (Q199)
- TransforMap (Q2)
- Other (Q20)
- (Q200)
- (Q201)
- (Q202)
- (Q203)
- (Q204)
- (Q205)
- (Q206)
- (Q207)
- (Q208)
- (Q209)
- Grow it yourself & together (Q21)
- (Q210)
- (Q211)
- (Q212)
- (Q213)
- (Q214)
- (Q215)
- (Q216)
- (Q217)
- Sustainable Development Goals (Q218)
- No Poverty (Q219)
- Community garden (Q22)
- Zero Hunger (Q220)
- Good Health and Well-Being (Q221)
- Quality Education (Q222)
- Gender Equality (Q223)
- Clean Water and Sanitation (Q224)
- Affordable and Clean Energy (Q225)
- Decent Work and Economic Growth (Q226)
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (Q227)
- Reduced Inequalities (Q228)
- Sustainable Cities and Communities (Q229)
- Responsible Consumption and Production (Q230)
- Climate Action (Q231)
- Life Below Water (Q232)
- Life on Land (Q233)
- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (Q234)
- Partnerships for the Goals (Q235)
- test (Q236)
- Solidarity-based food system (Q237)
- SolidBase (Q238)
- ERASMUS+ KA2 project (Q239)
- Edible town / city (Q24)
- Budget (Q240)
- Membership (Q241)
- Blank node (Q242)
- Interval (Q243)
- Currency (Q244)
- Activity (Q245)
- Label (Q246)
- Process classification (Q247)
- Degrowth in movement(s) (Q248)
- Language (Q249)
- Community supported agriculture (Q25)
- English (Q250)
- German (Q251)
- 15M (Q252)
- Artivism (Q253)
- Anti-Coal (Q254)
- Attac (Q255)
- Buen Vivir (Q256)
- Care Revolution (Q257)
- Climate Justice (Q258)
- Buy local (Q26)
- Environmental movement (Q260)
- Food Sovereignty (Q261)
- Free Software (Q262)
- Refugee Movement (Q263)
- Unions (Q264)
- Unconditional Basic Income (Q265)
- Youth Environmental Movement (Q266)
- Open Workshops (Q267)
- Peoples Global Action (Q268)
- Post-autistic economics (Q269)
- Food rescue (Q27)
- Post-Development (Q270)
- Post-extractivism (Q271)
- (Q272)
- Radical Ecological Democracy (Q273)
- Rights to the city (Q274)
- Animal Rights Movement (Q275)
- Urban Gardening (Q276)
- Education & policy (Q28)
- Reduce (Q29)
- Taxonomy (Q3)
- Share & reuse (Q30)
- Repair (Q31)
- Recycle & upcycle (Q32)
- Political engagement (Q33)
- Participation (Q34)
- Communities / networks (Q35)
- Food buying collective (Q36)
- Guerilla gardening (Q37)
- Seed saving initiative (Q38)
- Self harvest (Q39)
- Transformap Taxonomy (Q4)
- Other (grow it yourself) (Q40)
- Direct purchasing / Farm shop (Q41)
- Local farmers market (Q44)
- Vegetable box scheme (Q45)
- Virtual direct purchase (Q47)
- Food cooperative (Q48)
- Other (buy local food) (Q49)
- Taxonomy category (Q5)
- Fair trade shop (Q50)
- Foodsharing group (Q52)
- Foodsharing distribution point (Q53)
- Food rescue cuisine (Q54)
- Recycling food waste (Q55)
- Other (food rescue) (Q56)
- Agricultural empowerment (Q57)
- Agro ecology education (Q58)
- Farm succession network (Q59)
- Type of initiative (Q6)
- Food policy council (Q60)
- Food sovereignity initiative (Q61)
- Permaculture education (Q62)
- School garden (Q63)
- Slow Food (Q65)
- Other (food policy and education) (Q66)
- Fair trade school (Q68)
- Fair trade town (Q69)
- Qualifier (Q7)
- Fair trade wholesaler (Q70)
- Direct trade (Q71)
- Development cooperation (Q72)
- Other (fair trade) (Q73)
- Waste awareness raising (Q74)
- No-packaging shops and initiatives (Q75)
- Other (waste reduction) (Q76)
- Used goods sale (Q77)
- Flea market (Q78)
- Garment rental (Q79)
- SSEDAS taxonomy (Q8)
- Give-away-shop (Q80)
- Lending central (Q81)
- Swap market (Q82)
- Other (sharing) (Q83)
- Maintenance and repair (Q84)
- Repair café (Q85)
- Resell or repaired goods (Q86)
- Other (repairing) (Q87)
- Food & agriculture (Q9)
- Recycling (Q91)
- Upcycling (Q92)
- Eco applied art (Q93)
- Other (recycling) (Q94)
- Cohousing (Q95)
- Commune (Q96)
- Ecovillage (Q97)
- Squatting (Q98)
- Other (housing and habitat) (Q99)