System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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wikibase-propertypage-bad-datatype (talk) (Translate) Unknown data type: $1
wikibase-propertypage-datatype (talk) (Translate) Data type
wikibase-quantitydetails-amount (talk) (Translate) Amount
wikibase-quantitydetails-lowerbound (talk) (Translate) Lower bound
wikibase-quantitydetails-unit (talk) (Translate) Unit
wikibase-quantitydetails-upperbound (talk) (Translate) Upper bound
wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata (talk) (Translate) $1 {{WBREPONAME}}
wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-hide (talk) (Translate) Hide
wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-show (talk) (Translate) Show
wikibase-rc-show-wikidata-pref (talk) (Translate) Show {{WBREPONAME}} edits in recent changes
wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-letter (talk) (Translate) D
wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-title (talk) (Translate) {{WBREPONAME}} edit
wikibase-redirectentity-fromid (talk) (Translate) The ID to redirect from
wikibase-redirectentity-submit (talk) (Translate) Redirect
wikibase-redirectentity-success (talk) (Translate) $1 was redirected to $2.
wikibase-redirectentity-toid (talk) (Translate) The ID to redirect to
wikibase-remove (talk) (Translate) remove
wikibase-remove-inprogress (talk) (Translate) Removing…
wikibase-replicationnote (talk) (Translate) Please notice that it can take several minutes until the changes are visible on all wikis.
wikibase-restore-summary (talk) (Translate) Restore revision $1 by [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]
wikibase-restore-title (talk) (Translate) Restoring old revision of "$1"
wikibase-restoreold (talk) (Translate) restore
wikibase-save (talk) (Translate) save
wikibase-save-inprogress (talk) (Translate) Saving…
wikibase-self-conflict-patched (talk) (Translate) Your edit was patched into the latest version, overriding some of your own intermediate changes.
wikibase-setaliases-intro (talk) (Translate) This form allows you to set the aliases of an entity. You need to provide the ID of the entity (e.g. Q23), a language code (e.g. "en") and the aliases to set to. Several aliases are separated by a pipe (<code>|</code>) character.
wikibase-setaliases-introfull (talk) (Translate) You are setting the aliases in $2 for [[$1]]. Several aliases are separated by a pipe (<code>|</code>) character.
wikibase-setaliases-label (talk) (Translate) Aliases:
wikibase-setaliases-submit (talk) (Translate) Set aliases
wikibase-setdescription-intro (talk) (Translate) This form allows you to set the description of an entity. You need to provide the ID of the entity (e.g. Q23), a language code (e.g. "en") and the description to set to.
wikibase-setdescription-introfull (talk) (Translate) You are setting the description in $2 for [[$1]].
wikibase-setdescription-label (talk) (Translate) Description:
wikibase-setdescription-submit (talk) (Translate) Set description
wikibase-setlabel-intro (talk) (Translate) This form allows you to set the label of an entity. You need to provide the ID of the entity (e.g. Q23), a language code (e.g. "en") and the label to set to.
wikibase-setlabel-introfull (talk) (Translate) You are setting the label in $2 for [[$1]].
wikibase-setlabel-label (talk) (Translate) Label:
wikibase-setlabel-submit (talk) (Translate) Set label
wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-aliases-label (talk) (Translate) Aliases:
wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-description-label (talk) (Translate) Description:
wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-intro (talk) (Translate) This form allows you to set label, description and aliases of an entity. You need to first provide the ID of the entity (e.g. "Q23") and a language code (e.g. "en").
wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-introfull (talk) (Translate) You are setting label, description and aliases in $2 for [[$1]]. Several aliases are separated by a pipe (<code>|</code>) character.
wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-label-label (talk) (Translate) Label:
wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-submit (talk) (Translate) Set label, description and aliases
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