MediaWiki API help

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:


(main | wbgetentities)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • Source: Wikibase Repository
  • License: GPL-2.0+

Gets the data for multiple Wikibase entities.


The IDs of the entities to get the data from

Separate values with |. Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).

Identifier for the site on which the corresponding page resides Use together with 'title', but only give one site for several titles or several sites for one title.

Values (separate with |): aawiki, abwiki, acewiki, adywiki, afwiki, afwikiquote, akwiki, alswiki, alswikiquote, amwiki, amwikiquote, angwiki, angwikiquote, angwikisource, anwiki, arcwiki, arwiki, arwikinews, arwikiquote, arwikisource, arzwiki, astwiki, astwikiquote, aswiki, aswikisource, avwiki, aywiki, azbwiki, azwiki, azwikiquote, azwikisource, barwiki, bat_smgwiki, bawiki, bclwiki, be_x_oldwiki, bewiki, bewikiquote, bewikisource, bgwiki, bgwikinews, bgwikiquote, bgwikisource, bhwiki, biwiki, bjnwiki, bmwiki, bmwikiquote, bnwiki, bnwikisource, bowiki, bpywiki, brwiki, brwikiquote, brwikisource, bswiki, bswikinews, bswikiquote, bswikisource, bugwiki, bxrwiki, cawiki, cawikinews, cawikiquote, cawikisource, cbk_zamwiki, cdowiki, cebwiki, cewiki, chowiki, chrwiki, chwiki, chywiki, ckbwiki, commonswiki, cowiki, cowikiquote, crhwiki, crwiki, crwikiquote, csbwiki, cswiki, cswikinews, cswikiquote, cswikisource, cuwiki, cvwiki, cywiki, cywikiquote, cywikisource, dawiki, dawikiquote, dawikisource, dewiki, dewikinews, dewikiquote, dewikisource, dewikivoyage, diqwiki, dsbwiki, dvwiki, dzwiki, eewiki, elwiki, elwikinews, elwikiquote, elwikisource, elwikivoyage, emlwiki, enwiki, enwikinews, enwikiquote, enwikisource, enwikivoyage, eowiki, eowikinews, eowikiquote, eowikisource, eswiki, eswikinews, eswikiquote, eswikisource, eswikivoyage, etwiki, etwikiquote, etwikisource, euwiki, euwikiquote, extwiki, fawiki, fawikinews, fawikiquote, fawikisource, fawikivoyage, ffwiki, fiu_vrowiki, fiwiki, fiwikinews, fiwikiquote, fiwikisource, fjwiki, fowiki, fowikisource, frpwiki, frrwiki, frwiki, frwikinews, frwikiquote, frwikisource, frwikivoyage, furwiki, fywiki, gagwiki, ganwiki, gawiki, gawikiquote, gdwiki, glkwiki, glwiki, glwikiquote, glwikisource, gnwiki, gomwiki, gotwiki, guwiki, guwikiquote, guwikisource, gvwiki, hakwiki, hawiki, hawwiki, hewiki, hewikinews, hewikiquote, hewikisource, hewikivoyage, hifwiki, hiwiki, hiwikiquote, howiki, hrwiki, hrwikiquote, hrwikisource, hsbwiki, htwiki, htwikisource, huwiki, huwikinews, huwikiquote, huwikisource, hywiki, hywikiquote, hywikisource, hzwiki, iawiki, idwiki, idwikiquote, idwikisource, iewiki, igwiki, iiwiki, ikwiki, ilowiki, iowiki, iswiki, iswikiquote, iswikisource, itwiki, itwikinews, itwikiquote, itwikisource, itwikivoyage, iuwiki, jamwiki, jawiki, jawikinews, jawikiquote, jawikisource, jbowiki, jvwiki, kaawiki, kabwiki, kawiki, kawikiquote, kbdwiki, kgwiki, kiwiki, kjwiki, kkwiki, kkwikiquote, klwiki, kmwiki, knwiki, knwikiquote, knwikisource, koiwiki, kowiki, kowikinews, kowikiquote, kowikisource, krcwiki, krwiki, krwikiquote, kshwiki, kswiki, kswikiquote, kuwiki, kuwikiquote, kvwiki, kwwiki, kwwikiquote, kywiki, kywikiquote, ladwiki, lawiki, lawikiquote, lawikisource, lbewiki, lbwiki, lbwikiquote, lezwiki, lgwiki, lijwiki, liwiki, liwikiquote, liwikisource, lmowiki, lnwiki, lowiki, lrcwiki, ltgwiki, ltwiki, ltwikiquote, ltwikisource, lvwiki, maiwiki, map_bmswiki, mdfwiki, mgwiki, mhrwiki, mhwiki, minwiki, miwiki, mkwiki, mkwikisource, mlwiki, mlwikiquote, mlwikisource, mnwiki, mowiki, mrjwiki, mrwiki, mrwikiquote, mrwikisource, mswiki, mtwiki, muswiki, mwlwiki, myvwiki, mywiki, mznwiki, nahwiki, napwiki, nawiki, nawikiquote, nds_nlwiki, ndswiki, ndswikiquote, newiki, newwiki, ngwiki, nlwiki, nlwikinews, nlwikiquote, nlwikisource, nlwikivoyage, nnwiki, nnwikiquote, novwiki, nowiki, nowikinews, nowikiquote, nowikisource, nrmwiki, nsowiki, nvwiki, nywiki, ocwiki, omwiki, orwiki, orwikisource, oswiki, pagwiki, pamwiki, papwiki, pawiki, pcdwiki, pdcwiki, pflwiki, pihwiki, piwiki, plwiki, plwikinews, plwikiquote, plwikisource, plwikivoyage, pmswiki, pnbwiki, pntwiki, pswiki, ptwiki, ptwikinews, ptwikiquote, ptwikisource, ptwikivoyage, quwiki, quwikiquote, rmwiki, rmywiki, rnwiki, roa_rupwiki, roa_tarawiki, rowiki, rowikinews, rowikiquote, rowikisource, rowikivoyage, ruewiki, ruwiki, ruwikinews, ruwikiquote, ruwikisource, ruwikivoyage, rwwiki, sahwiki, sahwikisource, sawiki, sawikiquote, sawikisource, scnwiki, scowiki, scwiki, sdwiki, sdwikinews, sewiki, sgwiki, shwiki, simplewiki, simplewikiquote, siwiki, skwiki, skwikiquote, skwikisource, slwiki, slwikiquote, slwikisource, smwiki, snwiki, sowiki, sqwiki, sqwikinews, sqwikiquote, srnwiki, srwiki, srwikinews, srwikiquote, srwikisource, sswiki, stqwiki, stwiki, suwiki, suwikiquote, svwiki, svwikinews, svwikiquote, svwikisource, svwikivoyage, swwiki, szlwiki, tawiki, tawikinews, tawikiquote, tawikisource, tetwiki, tewiki, tewikiquote, tewikisource, tgwiki, thwiki, thwikinews, thwikiquote, thwikisource, tiwiki, tkwiki, tkwikiquote, tlwiki, tnwiki, towiki, tpiwiki, trwiki, trwikinews, trwikiquote, trwikisource, tswiki, ttwiki, ttwikiquote, tumwiki, twwiki, tyvwiki, tywiki, udmwiki, ugwiki, ugwikiquote, ukwiki, ukwikinews, ukwikiquote, ukwikisource, ukwikivoyage, urwiki, urwikiquote, uzwiki, uzwikiquote, vecwiki, vecwikisource, vepwiki, vewiki, viwiki, viwikiquote, viwikisource, viwikivoyage, vlswiki, vowiki, vowikiquote, warwiki, wawiki, wikidatawiki, wowiki, wowikiquote, wuuwiki, xalwiki, xhwiki, xmfwiki, yiwiki, yiwikisource, yowiki, zawiki, zawikiquote, zeawiki, zh_classicalwiki, zh_min_nanwiki, zh_min_nanwikiquote, zh_min_nanwikisource, zh_yuewiki, zhwiki, zhwikinews, zhwikiquote, zhwikisource, zhwikivoyage, zuwiki
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).

The title of the corresponding page Use together with 'sites', but only give one site for several titles or several sites for one title.

Separate values with |. Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).

Whether redirects shall be resolved. If set to "no", redirects will be treated like deleted entities.

One of the following values: yes, no
Default: yes

The names of the properties to get back from each entity. Will be further filtered by any languages given.

Values (separate with |): info, sitelinks, sitelinks/urls, aliases, labels, descriptions, claims, datatype
Default: info|sitelinks|aliases|labels|descriptions|claims|datatype

By default the internationalized values are returned in all available languages. This parameter allows filtering these down to one or more languages by providing one or more language codes.

Values (separate with |): aa, ab, ace, ady, ady-cyrl, aeb, aeb-arab, aeb-latn, af, ak, aln, als, am, an, ang, anp, ar, arc, arn, arq, ary, arz, as, ase, ast, av, avk, awa, ay, az, azb, ba, bar, bat-smg, bbc, bbc-latn, bcc, bcl, be, be-tarask, be-x-old, bg, bgn, bh, bho, bi, bjn, bm, bn, bo, bpy, bqi, br, brh, bs, bto, bug, bxr, ca, cbk-zam, cdo, ce, ceb, ch, cho, chr, chy, ckb, co, cps, cr, crh, crh-cyrl, crh-latn, cs, csb, cu, cv, cy, da, de, de-at, de-ch, de-formal, diq, dsb, dtp, dty, dv, dz, ee, egl, el, eml, en, en-ca, en-gb, eo, es, et, eu, ext, fa, ff, fi, fit, fiu-vro, fj, fo, fr, frc, frp, frr, fur, fy, ga, gag, gan, gan-hans, gan-hant, gd, gl, glk, gn, gom, gom-deva, gom-latn, got, grc, gsw, gu, gv, ha, hak, haw, he, hi, hif, hif-latn, hil, ho, hr, hrx, hsb, ht, hu, hy, hz, ia, id, ie, ig, ii, ik, ike-cans, ike-latn, ilo, inh, io, is, it, iu, ja, jam, jbo, jut, jv, ka, kaa, kab, kbd, kbd-cyrl, kg, khw, ki, kiu, kj, kk, kk-arab, kk-cn, kk-cyrl, kk-kz, kk-latn, kk-tr, kl, km, kn, ko, ko-kp, koi, kr, krc, kri, krj, ks, ks-arab, ks-deva, ksh, ku, ku-arab, ku-latn, kv, kw, ky, la, lad, lb, lbe, lez, lfn, lg, li, lij, liv, lki, lmo, ln, lo, loz, lrc, lt, ltg, lus, luz, lv, lzh, lzz, mai, map-bms, mdf, mg, mh, mhr, mi, min, mk, ml, mn, mo, mr, mrj, ms, mt, mus, mwl, my, myv, mzn, na, nah, nan, nap, nb, nds, nds-nl, ne, new, ng, niu, nl, nl-informal, nn, no, nov, nrm, nso, nv, ny, oc, olo, om, or, os, pa, pag, pam, pap, pcd, pdc, pdt, pfl, pi, pih, pl, pms, pnb, pnt, prg, ps, pt, pt-br, qu, qug, rgn, rif, rm, rmy, rn, ro, roa-rup, roa-tara, ru, rue, rup, ruq, ruq-cyrl, ruq-latn, rw, sa, sah, sat, sc, scn, sco, sd, sdc, sdh, se, sei, ses, sg, sgs, sh, shi, shi-latn, shi-tfng, si, simple, sk, sl, sli, sm, sma, sn, so, sq, sr, sr-ec, sr-el, srn, ss, st, stq, su, sv, sw, szl, ta, tcy, te, tet, tg, tg-cyrl, tg-latn, th, ti, tk, tl, tly, tn, to, tokipona, tpi, tr, tru, ts, tt, tt-cyrl, tt-latn, tum, tw, ty, tyv, tzm, udm, ug, ug-arab, ug-latn, uk, ur, uz, uz-cyrl, uz-latn, ve, vec, vep, vi, vls, vmf, vo, vot, vro, wa, war, wo, wuu, xal, xh, xmf, yi, yo, yue, za, zea, zh, zh-classical, zh-cn, zh-hans, zh-hant, zh-hk, zh-min-nan, zh-mo, zh-my, zh-sg, zh-tw, zh-yue, zu
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).

Apply language fallback for languages defined in the "languages" parameter, with the current context of API call.

Type: boolean (details)

Try to normalize the page title against the client site. This only works if exactly one site and one page have been given.

Type: boolean (details)

Filter sitelinks in entities to those with these site IDs.

Values (separate with |): aawiki, abwiki, acewiki, adywiki, afwiki, afwikiquote, akwiki, alswiki, alswikiquote, amwiki, amwikiquote, angwiki, angwikiquote, angwikisource, anwiki, arcwiki, arwiki, arwikinews, arwikiquote, arwikisource, arzwiki, astwiki, astwikiquote, aswiki, aswikisource, avwiki, aywiki, azbwiki, azwiki, azwikiquote, azwikisource, barwiki, bat_smgwiki, bawiki, bclwiki, be_x_oldwiki, bewiki, bewikiquote, bewikisource, bgwiki, bgwikinews, bgwikiquote, bgwikisource, bhwiki, biwiki, bjnwiki, bmwiki, bmwikiquote, bnwiki, bnwikisource, bowiki, bpywiki, brwiki, brwikiquote, brwikisource, bswiki, bswikinews, bswikiquote, bswikisource, bugwiki, bxrwiki, cawiki, cawikinews, cawikiquote, cawikisource, cbk_zamwiki, cdowiki, cebwiki, cewiki, chowiki, chrwiki, chwiki, chywiki, ckbwiki, commonswiki, cowiki, cowikiquote, crhwiki, crwiki, crwikiquote, csbwiki, cswiki, cswikinews, cswikiquote, cswikisource, cuwiki, cvwiki, cywiki, cywikiquote, cywikisource, dawiki, dawikiquote, dawikisource, dewiki, dewikinews, dewikiquote, dewikisource, dewikivoyage, diqwiki, dsbwiki, dvwiki, dzwiki, eewiki, elwiki, elwikinews, elwikiquote, elwikisource, elwikivoyage, emlwiki, enwiki, enwikinews, enwikiquote, enwikisource, enwikivoyage, eowiki, eowikinews, eowikiquote, eowikisource, eswiki, eswikinews, eswikiquote, eswikisource, eswikivoyage, etwiki, etwikiquote, etwikisource, euwiki, euwikiquote, extwiki, fawiki, fawikinews, fawikiquote, fawikisource, fawikivoyage, ffwiki, fiu_vrowiki, fiwiki, fiwikinews, fiwikiquote, fiwikisource, fjwiki, fowiki, fowikisource, frpwiki, frrwiki, frwiki, frwikinews, frwikiquote, frwikisource, frwikivoyage, furwiki, fywiki, gagwiki, ganwiki, gawiki, gawikiquote, gdwiki, glkwiki, glwiki, glwikiquote, glwikisource, gnwiki, gomwiki, gotwiki, guwiki, guwikiquote, guwikisource, gvwiki, hakwiki, hawiki, hawwiki, hewiki, hewikinews, hewikiquote, hewikisource, hewikivoyage, hifwiki, hiwiki, hiwikiquote, howiki, hrwiki, hrwikiquote, hrwikisource, hsbwiki, htwiki, htwikisource, huwiki, huwikinews, huwikiquote, huwikisource, hywiki, hywikiquote, hywikisource, hzwiki, iawiki, idwiki, idwikiquote, idwikisource, iewiki, igwiki, iiwiki, ikwiki, ilowiki, iowiki, iswiki, iswikiquote, iswikisource, itwiki, itwikinews, itwikiquote, itwikisource, itwikivoyage, iuwiki, jamwiki, jawiki, jawikinews, jawikiquote, jawikisource, jbowiki, jvwiki, kaawiki, kabwiki, kawiki, kawikiquote, kbdwiki, kgwiki, kiwiki, kjwiki, kkwiki, kkwikiquote, klwiki, kmwiki, knwiki, knwikiquote, knwikisource, koiwiki, kowiki, kowikinews, kowikiquote, kowikisource, krcwiki, krwiki, krwikiquote, kshwiki, kswiki, kswikiquote, kuwiki, kuwikiquote, kvwiki, kwwiki, kwwikiquote, kywiki, kywikiquote, ladwiki, lawiki, lawikiquote, lawikisource, lbewiki, lbwiki, lbwikiquote, lezwiki, lgwiki, lijwiki, liwiki, liwikiquote, liwikisource, lmowiki, lnwiki, lowiki, lrcwiki, ltgwiki, ltwiki, ltwikiquote, ltwikisource, lvwiki, maiwiki, map_bmswiki, mdfwiki, mgwiki, mhrwiki, mhwiki, minwiki, miwiki, mkwiki, mkwikisource, mlwiki, mlwikiquote, mlwikisource, mnwiki, mowiki, mrjwiki, mrwiki, mrwikiquote, mrwikisource, mswiki, mtwiki, muswiki, mwlwiki, myvwiki, mywiki, mznwiki, nahwiki, napwiki, nawiki, nawikiquote, nds_nlwiki, ndswiki, ndswikiquote, newiki, newwiki, ngwiki, nlwiki, nlwikinews, nlwikiquote, nlwikisource, nlwikivoyage, nnwiki, nnwikiquote, novwiki, nowiki, nowikinews, nowikiquote, nowikisource, nrmwiki, nsowiki, nvwiki, nywiki, ocwiki, omwiki, orwiki, orwikisource, oswiki, pagwiki, pamwiki, papwiki, pawiki, pcdwiki, pdcwiki, pflwiki, pihwiki, piwiki, plwiki, plwikinews, plwikiquote, plwikisource, plwikivoyage, pmswiki, pnbwiki, pntwiki, pswiki, ptwiki, ptwikinews, ptwikiquote, ptwikisource, ptwikivoyage, quwiki, quwikiquote, rmwiki, rmywiki, rnwiki, roa_rupwiki, roa_tarawiki, rowiki, rowikinews, rowikiquote, rowikisource, rowikivoyage, ruewiki, ruwiki, ruwikinews, ruwikiquote, ruwikisource, ruwikivoyage, rwwiki, sahwiki, sahwikisource, sawiki, sawikiquote, sawikisource, scnwiki, scowiki, scwiki, sdwiki, sdwikinews, sewiki, sgwiki, shwiki, simplewiki, simplewikiquote, siwiki, skwiki, skwikiquote, skwikisource, slwiki, slwikiquote, slwikisource, smwiki, snwiki, sowiki, sqwiki, sqwikinews, sqwikiquote, srnwiki, srwiki, srwikinews, srwikiquote, srwikisource, sswiki, stqwiki, stwiki, suwiki, suwikiquote, svwiki, svwikinews, svwikiquote, svwikisource, svwikivoyage, swwiki, szlwiki, tawiki, tawikinews, tawikiquote, tawikisource, tetwiki, tewiki, tewikiquote, tewikisource, tgwiki, thwiki, thwikinews, thwikiquote, thwikisource, tiwiki, tkwiki, tkwikiquote, tlwiki, tnwiki, towiki, tpiwiki, trwiki, trwikinews, trwikiquote, trwikisource, tswiki, ttwiki, ttwikiquote, tumwiki, twwiki, tyvwiki, tywiki, udmwiki, ugwiki, ugwikiquote, ukwiki, ukwikinews, ukwikiquote, ukwikisource, ukwikivoyage, urwiki, urwikiquote, uzwiki, uzwikiquote, vecwiki, vecwikisource, vepwiki, vewiki, viwiki, viwikiquote, viwikisource, viwikivoyage, vlswiki, vowiki, vowikiquote, warwiki, wawiki, wikidatawiki, wowiki, wowikiquote, wuuwiki, xalwiki, xhwiki, xmfwiki, yiwiki, yiwikisource, yowiki, zawiki, zawikiquote, zeawiki, zh_classicalwiki, zh_min_nanwiki, zh_min_nanwikiquote, zh_min_nanwikisource, zh_yuewiki, zhwiki, zhwikinews, zhwikiquote, zhwikisource, zhwikivoyage, zuwiki
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for bots).
Get entities with ID Q42 with all available attributes in all available languages
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q42 [open in sandbox]
Get entities with ID P17 with all available attributes in all available languages
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=P17 [open in sandbox]
Get entities with IDs Q42 and P17 with all available attributes in all available languages
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q42|P17 [open in sandbox]
Get entities with ID Q42 with all available attributes in English language
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q42&languages=en [open in sandbox]
Get entities with ID Q42 with all available attributes in any possible fallback language for the ii language
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q42&languages=ii&languagefallback= [open in sandbox]
Get entities with ID Q42 showing all labels in all available languages
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q42&props=labels [open in sandbox]
Get entities with IDs P17 and P3 showing only datatypes
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=P17|P3&props=datatype [open in sandbox]
Get entities with ID Q42 showing all aliases in English language
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q42&props=aliases&languages=en [open in sandbox]
Get entities with IDs Q1 and Q42 showing descriptions in English, German and French languages
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q1|Q42&props=descriptions&languages=en|de|fr [open in sandbox]
Get the item for page "Berlin" on the site "enwiki", with language attributes in English language
api.php?action=wbgetentities&sites=enwiki&titles=Berlin&languages=en [open in sandbox]
Get the item for page "Berlin" on the site "enwiki" after normalizing the title from "berlin"
api.php?action=wbgetentities&sites=enwiki&titles=berlin&normalize= [open in sandbox]
Get the sitelinks for item Q42
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q42&props=sitelinks [open in sandbox]
Get entities with ID Q42 showing only sitelinks from enwiki
api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=Q42&sitefilter=enwiki [open in sandbox]